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AARP Driver Safety Program

Enrichment for Adults and Families / Driving/Automotive -
Spring 2025

This course benefits Oklahoma licensed drivers of any age. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of attendance which may provide a discount on your car insurance premium.

Students are encouraged to bring their own beverages to class as there are no concession machines located in the building. Class will be released for a one hour lunch break.

A cash fee will be collected by the instructor the day of the class—$20 for AARP Members (must show card), $25 for non-members

Ron P Bray

Ron Bray is a retired Petroleum Engineer and worked in the energy business for over 45 years. For the past 7 years Ron has volunteered for the AARP Safe Drivers class. Currently Ron is the District Coordinator / Instructor for AARP, Tulsa area district.

25SP420 Closed

  Ron P Bray

Community Service Center : 3rd Floor
Wednesday, Apr 2
8:45 AM - 3:30 PM


Min Age   18 yr.

$ 0.00
$20 AARP members/$25 for others. Collected by instructor during class

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