Jenks Adventure Club offers quality child care before and after school for Pre-K and Elementary students and after school care for Intermediate students.
Our quality programs provide safe and nurturing environments for children during the day. Children will embark on a whirlwind adventure full of learning and fun this summer.
Child Care is available for Non-school days & Collaboration days during select times of the school year.
This course is an Oklahoma State approved Drivers Education class offered several times throughout the year. Passing completion of this course replaces the written test for the Learner Permit. Drivers Education classes are for high school students only.
Family Pottery Night, Art, Fitness, and more! Find all of our family and adult classes here!
Courses in art, music, dance, STEM, athletics, and more! Students are able to learn skills, try new activities, and have a great time!
Jenks High School Summer School is offered for both first-time and make-up credit. You can choose to take the courses in-person or online. These classes are offered for incoming freshman through twelfth grade, and you do not need to be a JPS student!
Explore the night sky with engaging, awe-inspiring shows at the Jenks Planetarium! Exciting new shows added frequently!
Students will learn proper pom and cheer techniques from the Jenks High School pom technique coach Kim Miller-Clark in a fun and nurturing environment.
The state-of-the-art Jenks Trojan Aquatic Center is located on the West side of the Jenks High School Campus. The Center houses a variety of programs for all ages--from infants to senior citizens.
Learn basketball skills, team play, and have fun with Trojan Hoops! Players have the unique opportunity to compete against Indian Nations Basketball Conference teams from area schools.
Lacrosse is the fastest growing team sport in America and it’s taking off right here in Jenks! No experience is necessary. Crossover skills from football, basketball, soccer, baseball, softball, and volleyball can be used to learn lacrosse.
The Jenks Early Childhood Center offers quality child care enrichment programs for children from six weeks to three years of age.
Summer courses and classes are offered to all students at any site.
Join us each season for a special event at the Jenks Planetarium. Dancing Under the Stars, Sharks Under the Dome, Holiday Under the Stars, and more!
This course benefits Oklahoma licensed drivers of any age. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of attendance which may provide a discount on your car insurance premium.
Students are encouraged to bring their own beverages to class as there are no concession machines located in the building. Class will be released for a one hour lunch break.
A cash fee will be collected by the instructor the day of the class—$20 for AARP Members (must show card), $25 for non-members.
Ron Bray is a retired Petroleum Engineer and worked in the energy business for over 45 years. For the past 7 years Ron has volunteered for the AARP Safe Drivers class. Currently Ron is the District Coordinator / Instructor for AARP, Tulsa area district.
Ron P Bray
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